Hi folks, greetings of the day. We are back with another startup success story of two women entrepreneurs.
Startup Name: WinningStree (www.winningstree.com)
Founded year: August 2018
Founder Name: Megha Katira Patni, Tanusri Chakraborty
Hi Megha, thank you for accepting invitation from our end.
Hi Dev, You are welcome, thank you startupsindia for inviting me for an interview.
Okay all right. Let us start our session.
Megha, can you tell me some strong reasons which motivated you to start winningstree?
WinningStree was created for the woman, by the woman, and of the woman. Women serve the multitude of roles and work harder than their male counterparts yet are called the second sex. This labeling itself is demeaning to us. We are meant to rise and shine despite all odds that we face. There are millions of such inspiring stories about females who chose to shine in life-defeating all the obstacles coming their way. We want to capture such stories via WinningStree to motivate fellow women.
That’s great you got the idea? How you implemented it?
Just the belief was enough to start our journey. We believe that every woman is a star and if she identifies her true potential, nothing can stop her from becoming successful in life. This coupled with the love for writing, and we are where we are today. On August 7th, the journey began with the website faintly done and an FB group with 2 members (founders). Today we have 700 plus audience on our Facebook group, which shows the growth curve.
What are the hurdles you faced and how you faced them?
The main hurdle is that the founders are from different locations so we cannot meet up for brainstorming activities etc. However, this is also a blessing since WinningStree is available in two locations. One more challenge is we both are time-bound as we both have our families to look after.
Megha Katira Patni:

Myself (Megha), founder of Winningstree is a multitasking woman who has tried her hand in making chocolates to forming a campaign Happy Go Lucky Me – Creating Happy Minds (which she shall also feature in this website) to bring happiness and stability in every woman’s life. Though she stays in a joint family, is a mother of two children, she tries to juggle everything on one plate effortlessly. She believes in being inspired, and also set an example of inspiration through their website.
Tanusri Chakraborty:

Tanusri Chakraborty, one of the founders of Winningstree believes that every woman is a star and has a multitude of things to offer. Through the website Winningstree.com, she wishes to be able to capture her incredible and inspiring stories and share them with the world. She believes only when we stand up for ourselves and pull our fellow women friends up, we will be empowered in the real sense! We certainly are here to pull out the WinningStree amongst us which will inspire other women too. More power to womanhood.
How you funded your startup?
It is self funded. Many will think of financial things before start of any startup but for us it became very easy. As of now we have spent about 1415 Rupees for server space. Everything was done from scratch by us. In fact, we turned designers as well to design the company logo and website. Every step, every interview made us more accomplished.
About the startup.
We are about the common women. We believe that every woman is a star and it is just a matter of time before she identifies her true potential. We are the platform where any female can tap onto her star power and achieve everything she ever desired for, emerging as a winner in the process. A pen is mightier than the sword, and we at WinningStree intend to bring about that winning streak in every woman with our pens.
How is the growth up to now? What are the future plans?
We have grown in leap and bounds on our FB group. Women have started showing interest to get featured on our platform or to write for us. We have featured some interesting stories including a feature on eco Ganapati’s and Rintu Kalyani Rathod. Our future plans are to collaborate with various brands and promoting them via our content. We also have thought of several social campaigns for the woman. We are also planning to create awareness with menstrual hygiene amongst females.
Who are main competitors for your startup?
We believe in working together, and no one is a competitor as such. We are one of our kinds. Two-woman founders coming together to launch a website on women empowerment is something uncommon.
I and Tanusri wish to showcase each and every woman from all walks of life to enrich, empower and encourage them.
What is the inspiration tag line which keeps you motivated?
Every Woman Is a Born Winner & we would like to capture every woman’s extraordinary Journey so that millions of other women get inspired and empowered.
Any message for young entrepreneurs?
If being at home as homemakers we can do it then anybody can. Believe in yourself, and find out your true calling. Once you have to understand what gives you immense pleasure, make it your weapon and emerge victoriously.
Thank you, Megha for joining with me and sharing your views and opinions.
Thank you Dev. Thank you Startupsindia Team. It is great pleasure to meet your team.
That’s all for today.
This is DevJ signing off from startupsindia.in
That’s really a good initiative by women and for the women.