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India is a young nation with a great innovative spirit, says PM Modi while addressing a UN Body.

India is among the top startup hubs in the world: PM Narendra Modi.

Narendra Damodardas Modi

PM Narendra Modi on Tuesday addressed the second UN World Geospatial International Congress virtually. The congress is being organized by the United Nations and is being hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology, GOI. The congress is taking place in Hyderabad International Convention Centre. The theme of the second UNWGIC is “Geo Enabling the Global Village–No one must be left behind.”


While addressing the guests present at the congress, PM Modi emphasised the need for an institutional approach by the international community to help each other during a crisis. He noted that global organisations like the UN can lead the way in getting resources to the last mile in every region, which is nothing but Antyodaya- means the “rise of the last person”, a concept given by Deen Dayal Upadhyay.

One of the comments made by the PM that is grabbing lots of attention is when he said “India is a young nation with a great innovative spirit and that the number of unicorn startups has almost doubled since 2021”.


Prime Minister Modi further added, “one of the most important freedoms is the freedom to innovate, and this has been ensured for the geospatial sector. Collection, generation and digitization of geospatial data has now been democratized. Such reforms have been accompanied by a boost to the drone sector and the opening up of the space sector for private participation, along with 5G taking off in India”.


Prime Minister Modi expressed his pleasure on this occasion by stating that, “the people of India are happy to host you on this historic occasion as we build our future together.” He also highlighted the speciality of Hyderabad City and said that “the Hyderabad city is known for its culture and cuisine, its hospitality and hi-tech vision”.


PM Modi added, concluding his speech, “with the stakeholders of the global geo-spatial industry coming together, with the policymakers and academic world interacting with each other, I am confident that this conference will help steer the global village into a new future”.


What do you think?

Written by Ravi Tilekar


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