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4 Top Trending and Low-Budget Business Ideas

Startups India Business Ideas

Most of us work 8 hours every day in a workplace that doesn’t inspire us anymore. But because of the responsibilities and the high investment costs in setting up a business, we end up settling for the life we currently have. But you need to realize that your dream of becoming your own boss is as important as anything. And to make that come true, you need to identify the industry trends and invest in yourself to enhance your skills rather than investing a fortune in creating a brick and mortar space. And trust me, in the 21st century, it’s the skill that sells. 

To make your search for trending Low-Budget Business Ideas hassle-free, we have identified the top 4 professions that do not require you to invest in a physical space. Here they are: 

1.Image Consulting and Soft Skills Training – A great way to invest in yourself and minimize the cost of setting up a business is joining the thousands of crores huge image consulting and soft skills training industry. As an Image consultant and Soft Skills Trainer, you can register your firm and work from your home-office since the face of your business will be you and your skills. Moreover, this profession doesn’t require you to have a physical office space because your work may require you to travel a lot. For example, grooming and styling experts travel with their clients including brides, celebrities, CEOs, etc. Here are a few other reasons why image consulting and soft skills training courses are trending: 

  • A single course unlocks 21 glam and exciting career options. 
  • You can earn from Rs 10,000 to Rs 1 Lakh per day depending on the nature of the work you choose. 
  • You can decide when to work and maintain a great work-life balance. 
  • You get to change lives and earn yourself a respectable living. 

2.Real Estate Business – The job of a real estate broker is to connect real estate buyers with sellers. And though this business may not sound very enticing, it can help you grow immensely since the size of the real estate sector in India is expected to reach US$ 1 trillion by 2030.

Earlier anybody with networking skills could become a real estate broker in India. However, now you must enroll in certification programmes, which is a very small price to pay for an opportunity that will let you be your own boss. Moreover, real estate brokers

  • Need not work in a typical 9 to 5 job. 
  • Get to meet and interact with new people. 
  • Can earn a lot through commissions. 

3.Online Blogging – A great way to make money and grow big independently without investing a fortune is blogging. The people today use the internet for almost anything and everything. And through an online blog, you can reach millions of people and earn from your skill. For example, if your inherent skill is gardening, you can start your own blog and educate people. So, to be a successful blogger, you must find a niche and start posting quality content on your blog that people would find helpful. And once you create a huge audience network, you can

  • Monetize using CPC or CPM ads.
  • Earn by publishing other bloggers or brands on your platform.
  • Sell products related to your niche.
  • Sell memberships or workshops, etc. 

And the best part? All you need is the right skill and internet. 

4.Event Management – Event management is one of the most interesting professions for anybody who is naturally inclined toward planning and management. 

Though you can start as an Event Planner based on your experience and skills, it is always great to get certified to increase your credibility. Hence, you should enroll in human resource management, relationship building, sales and sponsorship, and other related courses. To get hands-on experience in the starting phase of your event management business, you can begin with organizing events for friends and family. This would not only give you confidence but will also strengthen your portfolio. 

Though these are the most trending career options, you can set up your own business easily if you have any other skill that people may benefit from. So, identify your strength and take your first step to become your own boss.

Author Bio:

Suman Agarwal, cofounder of Image Consulting Business Institute (ICBI), is an award-winning Image Management Professional. She has helped students, home-makers, women on sabbatical as well as people seeking second career alternatives to explore Image Management and Soft Skill Training as a vibrant professional choice. She frequently writes blog posts about the urgent need of image consulting professionals and soft skill trainers in the 21st century and loves guiding people in exploring lucrative career options.

What do you think?

Written by Raghava

Raghava is Google certified digital marketer,Wordpress consultant and Founder at .


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