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“NeerWalla” Bengaluru Based hyper-local water solution Startup.

Neerwalla provides complete solution to all water requirements such as supplying clean and hygienic drinking water, water wheel service (water tanker), listing services for water related requirements.

Neerwalla was founded on 13th July 2020, it is Bengaluru based company, Founded by Puja Tiwari and Deepak D.

Puja founded Dreamtank Solutions which deals in Web & Mobile App development before founding NeerWalla and Deepak owns two more firms before joining NeerWalla as Co-Founder.

The name NeerWalla lies story behind it, They were looking for a classy and Desi name which can relate to one stop solutions for all water needs like how we Indian’s says Panwalla, Doodhwalla, we wanted to be in same manner Neerwalla, means Neer (water) Walla(local guy).

As Bengaluru have lack of water and its hard-to-find water cans / water tankers on time with competitive price. The company location is perfect for their type of business, and they are already very familiar with the intrinsic idiosyncrasies of the business location.

They faced many issued with vendor in their area while searching and booking water tankers, except Google there was no other solutions and there were not many details related to booking it. This made them to think to fill this gap and get a hyper-local application.

Puja shared observed regarding market problem and gap.

 The Problems are,

  • Gap between Vendor & Customer —- Customer Ease
  • Negotiation for Rates — Money
  • N-Numbers of follow-up calls while delivering —- Time
  • Delay Delivery or cancelling order —- Time
  • Lack of hygienic and quality of water or service —- Quality
  • No platform for complete water solution —- Customer Ease

And so on..

They come up with this solution for the above issues.

  • Hyper-Local System to connect with vendors —- Customer Ease
  • Complete one-stop-application for water requirement —- Customer Ease
  • Pre-Negotiated/ Competitive Price with each vendor
  • Real Time Tracking of Order —- Time
  • ETA for each delivery —- Time
  • Providing only ISI certified water / certified partners for water services —- Quality

In every business there is competition, however, they believe in possess several strengths that will allow them to always remain visible on the business radar. The online water supply service market in Bangalore is competitive, But Neerwalla is the only hyper-local complete water solution company which works with live location, Also, serves more than being a water supply listing service. They offer water on wheel services and every other water services just on a click in the application.

Neerwalla majorly focused Commercials & Residential buildings are their major customers, along with events happenings across city. They are into offline & online marketing which helped those getting customers and increase of delivery.

They have been doing great and near to reach their break-even, On average they are have 3-4K delivery per month since they launch and 500 vendors are earning through them.

As they are still in verge of completing our first financial year, and they are near to reach their break-even. They are targeting to increase their partners (vendors) by 10X and delivery count by 15X by 2021 financial year end.

They are planning to increase their services for near-by cities of Bangalore, like Chennai & Hyderabad by 2022 starting and in NCR by 2023. They want to be a single solutions provider for all water related requirements only and working on IoT and AI solutions in same fields.

What do you think?

Written by Ravi Tilekar


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