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The Future of Business is Personal

Define who you really are and communicate your message with confidence.

Don’t just build a brand, build a legacy.

Anika has more than 15 years of experience in Human Resource Management, Image Consulting, Brand Consulting, Personal Branding, and Nutrition. From helping with Their Image Consulting to launching and marketing strategy, to the Rebranding of an Existing Organisation or Brand.

Anika Khara is an Image And Branding Consultant, Fashion Consultant, Nutritionist and a Trainer. She is the perfect blend of someone who can change You Image plus help In “CREATE A BRAND YOU”

Anika also served as a senior admissions officer at a top business school in M. P. While interviewing and evaluating hundreds of MBA candidates, she identified the traits of a powerful personal brand and developed a strong ear for a compelling brand story.

She now helps Individuals, Professionals or Business Owners, and Organisations to develop memorable, resilient brands, clarify their messaging and strategy, and find their unique voice.
Anika has an MBA in Human Resource Management and Information Technology, and a B. C. A. in Computers. She Even runs an N. G. O ( SHIKSHA) for Orphan Kids and conducts many workshops for them, plus is the Co-Founder of A women’s Business Entrepreneurs organization ( Women Business Cult) which is a platform for networking, Branding, and growing business together.
She has a great passion towards her work and thus makes it more powerful. She believes that Branding is very important for an individual or a company, thus it has to be done in the most appropriate way by developing a proper strategy and plan for branding, which is her forte.

Developing a Brand For You and doing it in the most Impeccable Way is what Anika does..

Anika has been awarded many times these years by many govt organisations and Business Awards events from all over the country. Her articles are published by many media houses and newspapers. She has written over 500 blogs on Health, Lifestyle, Branding, and much more..

In the end, would like to emphasize the fact that
When people think of the brand, they think of a logo.
But a logo doesn’t set you apart in a crowded field….

Everybody already sells the same thing you do.
At least that’s how it feels.
So how do you go from being one of a million choices… to the ONLY choice?
That’s what Anika helps you figure out.
By Creating A Brand You!

Links :
Anika Khara
Image and Branding Consultant / Fashion Consultant / Nutritionist & Trainer


What do you think?

Written by Ravi Tilekar


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