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EdgeGrid – A unique cleantech start-up raises $6 million and is planning for expansion already

EdgeGrid was founded in 2020 by Sunil Talla and Prasad Yeneni with an ambition to simplify and organize the energy sector of India. The founders are hitting a pain point that might be useful in the long run and this is a great leap towards sustainable living.

Recently, this B2B enterprise clean-tech platform has managed to raise $6 million with the help of Lightrock India and investments from Theia ventures and other angel investors. EdgeGrid is building a technology to consciously manage energy utility for last-mile consumers like small businesses, commercial buildings, electric vehicle charging hubs, and households.

With the help of this funding, the company is headed towards expansion and is trying to make its human resource more efficient. The start-up aims at efficient consumption of energy and local generation of the energy using its technology-based platform.

The company also collaborates with energy distribution companies to distribute the efficient generators to reduce the cost and promote renewable energy resource utilization. The start-up is trying to penetrate into renewable energy ecosystem and make its mark in the market.

The founder believes that in order to make energy consumption sustainable and organize the sector, it is important to work at consumer level and not centralized one. Also, it is important to find the loopholes in places where it can yield maximum profit. Hence, the founders have focused on making changes where emission and losses are.

Looking at the energy sector of India, it is evident that the aim is to achieve zero emissions with highest sustainability. This reimagined plan will need a lot of technological intervention that EdgeGrid is bringing into the sector. Data reveals that $60 billion loss occurs in last-mile delivery and the company aims to improve the same.

What do you think?

Written by Ravi Tilekar


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